Thursday, March 13, 2008

For all the ladies out there

I've been made to watch a lot of movies I would have never watched before. My Mom considered herself quite the movie connoisseur, that is, before she popped out a couple of units and quit watching TV. I guess her infatuation was genetic, cause it got passed along with my Y chromosome. Yeah that's right, I have one. Which brings me to the girlie movie of the week. Victor/Victoria.

I know how much the ladies love, and the guys hate, musicals. For example, Chicago, Moulin Rougue, Dreamgirls, Footloose, etc. This movie isn't really a musical in the purist sense though. There are a few scenes where they perform musical numbers on stage. So I think guys are able to suffer through it. (Hey guys, did I mention James Garner was in this? He played a badass sheriff. Also, Alex Karras was in it. You know, Mongo from Blazing Saddles? He was Webster's dad? He played football for the Detroit Lions before getting kicked out of the league for gambling for Christ sake!!)....sorry ladies.

Anyway, Julie Andrews of German nun/slut and crazy umbrella witch fame, plays a young singer in France who can't get a shot. A gay performer, played by the incomparable Robert Preston (hey guys, psst, over here..he was the guy who was in charge of the video game in the Last Starfighter), gets a fantastic idea. Dress like a dude, and act like a female impersonator. Guess what happens. That's right, hilarity ensues.

Anyway, I'm not gonna give away much more of the plot, but here are a couple more people in the movie: Leslie Ann Warren (Ms. Scarlet from Clue) and that dude who was Indiana Jones's bodyguard when he was in Egypt. I do not remember his name.

Seriously though, I know I'm gonna be challenged on my manhood for this one, but if you can watch the last 10 minutes of this movie without cracking a smile, then you suck. And I don't like you anymore.

Final rating:
3 3/4 transvestites


ribblette said...

I luf your movie blogs. I also think you should write more of them. You owe it to your 3 loyal fans.

Hadley said...

I hope you didn't get your Y chromosome from your mom cause that would be weird.

Adam said...

OK Hadley, I was not a science major. Apparantly, you were one of the creators of Jurassic Park. I'm just doing movie reviews OK?!?! I hate you.

(p.s. thank you for your input)